19 tháng 11

Hello everyone! 

Hello future Tagoverse ambassadors, we have officially launched the "Search for Global Ambassadors" program! The project is developing according to schedule and is receiving enthusiastic support from the community. And in our roadmap, you - Ambassadors are very important people.

To help Tagoverse Global Ambassadors improve their ability to promote more effectively, earn a higher income, and enable more people to participate in this recruitment of Tago Global Ambassadors. We sincerely invite more people who are passionate about blockchain and understand the value of mental health, such as experts in the field of mental health, community administrators, and influencers on the Internet. The media, or maybe individuals who love and believe the value that the Tago project is building, industry partners,.... 

Join us to build the Tagoverse ecosystem and expand the community of people who will receive the value and meaning brought by the project in the near future. 

 Please fill out the following form to register: https://forms.gle/s376ov8vGmUTQJrn9
Find more information about Tago at:
🌐 All TagoVerse information: https://linktr.ee/Tagoapp
✈️ Tago Social Channel: https://linktr.ee/TagoVerse